House, Tenth.
In a Nativity. From this arc one traces the native's business or professional life and aff airs,
his honor, preferment, fame, credit, reputation, career, and position in society; hence his
standing before the world. As the operational base for social intercourse, it offers a
summation of the native's human relationships. From this arc inferences may be drawn
concerning his relations with those who are more or less in authority over him - his employers
and clients; his cousins on his father's side, and ordinarily his mother (v. Fourth House) in
that here racial consciousness, and what may be termed the "national soul," becomes an
entity. Of the four angles it is second in importance, the southern end of the meridian running
through the birthplace: the Midheaven, the Rational Axis, the Line of Universal Being, the
Point of Solar Sustainment, the Line of Concrete Experience and its sublimation. As the apex
of the Nativity, it assembles, vitalizes, universalizes and largely summarizes the individual's
relationship to society as expressed through his occupational activities.
In a Mundane Figure: The Chief Executive, as occupying the control-tower of the nation;
the political party in power; eminent and famous persons, and those upon whom rest the
nation's honor, reputation and standing among the nations of the world; the national power,
trade, culture, ideals and achievements. The most favoring planets in this House in a
Mundane Figure, are the Sun and Jupiter.
In a Court of Law: the judge.
In a Contest: the referee.
In an Organization: The supreme or governing authority; the President, or Chairman of the
House, Eleventh.
In a Nativity: One finds here the externalization of the native's social position; the nature and
characteristics of his circle of acquaintances and friends; his ideals with respect to human and
therefore social relationships; his hopes, wishes, projects and ambitions; the reformer's