Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1











To ascertain the Golden number (q.v.) of any year, add 1 and divide by 19: the remainder is the Golden number. If
there is no remainder, the number is 19.

Metonic Return. Said of the recurrence of an eclipse on a given degree on the same date some 19 years later. This
should not be confused with the Saros Cycle (q.v.).

Micron. A millionth part of a metre. Employed in measuring the wave length of light. Millimicron. A thousandth part
of a micron.

Midheaven. Variously called Medium Coeli (M.C.), Southern angle, South point, and cusp of the Tenth House. Also
improperly called the Zenith. (v. Celestial Sphere.) More precisely, it is applicable to the South point of the Map, and
what it indicates is dependent on the manner of interpretation employed. Sometimes loosely applied to the whole of the
Tenth House.

Midpoint. An unoccupied aspected degree between and equidistant from two other planets, resulting in a symmetrical
grouping, sometimes called a planetary picture. Such configurations are deemed important by some authorities,
although there is some difference of opinion as to the width of orbs across which there can result a "transference of
light" through the planet which aspects the Midpoint.

Milky Way. The galaxy of stars of which the Sun is a member, and which pursue an orbit around a Galactic Center
located in the direction of 0° Capricorn. The stars of this Galaxy occupy a band that extends in width from 21°
Germini to 5° Leo, and that stretches across the sky to from 7° Sagittarius to 16° Capricorn. According to recent
astronomical opinion the Milky Way Galaxy resembles a huge wheel with a large hub, 99 per cent of its stars
contained within a diameter of 100,000 light-years and a thickness of 10,000 light-years - with the Earth about 30,000
light-years distant from the center.

Minute. The sixtieth part of an hour in time, marked 1m; or the sixtieth part of a degree in arc, marked 1'.

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