Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1


Accidental Ascendant. A device employed by Evangeline Adams whereby to draw Horary
interpretations from a natal Figure. In applying this method one determines the Ascendant for
the moment the question is propounded, and rotates the Figure until this degree occupies the
East point.

Accidental Dignity. See 'Dignities'

Acronycal. Said of the rising after sunset, or setting before sunrise, of a planet that is in
opposition to the Sun, hence in a favorable position for astronomical observation.

Acronycal place. The degree the planet will occupy when it is in opposition to the Sun.

Active Influence. That which results from an aspect between two or more astrological factors or
sensitive points, thereby producing the action that can materialize in an event.

Adept. One who has attained to proficiency in any art or science. It may be said of a skilled
astrologer who, through spiritual development, has attained to superior powers and
transcendental knowledge concerning the origins and destiny of mankind. Formerly said of an
alchemist who had attained the 'great secret' - presumably that concerning the 'transmutation of
metals'. Its modern application is to the transmutation of unfavorable cosmic stimuli and the
baser emotions into nobler impulses - thereby achieving the triumph of mind over matter, and of
the spiritual over the carnal.

Adjusted Calculation Date. A term used in reference to a directed or progressed horoscope, as
indicating the date on which the planet culminates. Also termed Limiting Date. See 'Directions'.

Advantage, Line of. A term sometimes used with reference to the position of the Moon's

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