Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

and are the ones commonly employed in delineation.

Because of the alternation of signs of long and short ascension throughout the daily rotation
of the Earth, equal units of arc rise over the horizon of an individual on the Earth's periphery,
in disproportionate units of time; and vice versa. This affords one explanation of the
phenomenon of the Orbs in reference to Aspects, and suggests that consideration should be
given to the seasons at which a wide zodiacal aspect may become an exact mundane aspect.

Mundane Parallel. Parallel in Mundo. This has to do with a similarity of relationship
between two planets on opposite sides of, and the same distance, measured along the Equator,
from any one of the four angles of the horoscope. Mundane parallels bear no analogy to
zodiacal parallels. A Rapt Parallel is a mundane parallel by direction, formed after birth, as a
result of the Earth's rotation (axial), whereby the places of the planets are carried from East to
West to the point where the two planets are equidistant from, and on opposite sides of the
same angle. Another variety of mundane parallel by direction, is that formed when one planet
advances to the same distance from an angle as that held by another planet at birth. These
parallels are the invention of Placidus de Titus who held them in high esteem. Yet it appears
that time tempered his judgment, for in his collection of Nativities he frequently employs
zodiacal directions as taught by Ptolemy.

Strength of Aspects. The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much
depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered
in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect
determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of
qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an
art and a science.

Forming Aspects are considered more powerful than Separating Aspects; or at least the orb
of influence is wider when forming. Some authorities make an exception in the case of the
Sun and Moon, to the extent of placing the point of maximum influence from 2 to 5 degrees
beyond the Degree in which the aspect becomes exact. There is the theory that separating
aspects in the birth map represent influences which have already been made manifest; while
forming aspects, particularly in the progressed map, represent influences which are yet to be
experienced. Sepharial, in his Dictionary, has this to say regarding Separating Aspects:
"When two bodies have been in exact aspect, the one which by its swifter motion moves
away from the aspect, is said to separate from the other. When one of two bodies in aspect
turns retrograde, it separates. When both bodies turn retrograde, doubtless a mutual
separation is effected. In Horary Astrology these relations have distinct significations: the
party representing the separating planet will decline the proposition, back out of the
agreement, or annul the contract; the party represented by the retrograde planet will default in

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