Uranus: Mixed forms, broken lines.
Neptune: Curved lines, rhythmic curves, nebulous and chaotic forms.
Pluto. Heavy straight lines and sharp angles, in complex combinations.
Planetary Hours. Hours. Egyptian astronomy had only seven planets, arranged in this order:
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon - based seemingly on the apparent
velocities of the bodies. In rotation, each hour of the 24-hour day was consecrated to a planet.
If Saturn ruled the first hour, it also ruled the 8th, 15th and 22nd. As Jupiter would then rule
the 23rd, and Mars the 24th hour, the first hour of the following day would be ruled by the
Sun; and so on. The days thus came to be known by the ruler of the first hour, resulting in our
present order of the days of the week. Thus the order of the days of the week, which can be
hormonized with no observable cosmic plan, are explainable only by a student of astrology.
The hatred of the Jews for the Egyptians after their flight from Egypt is said to have caused
them to "demote" Saturn from the rulership of the first day, by beginning the week on
Sunday, making Saturn's day the last day of the week. Probably some symbolical association
of the Sun with the Hebrew idea of Jehovah, had something to do with it. The evolution of the
English names of the days, from the Latin, through the Saxon, resulted as follows:
........Sol..............Le Dimanche..Sun's day......Sunday
........Luna.............Lundi........Moon's day.....Monday
Tyr.....Martis (Mars)....Mardi........Tiw's day......Tuesday
Wotan...Mercurius........Mercredi.....Woden's day....Wednesday
Thor....Jove (Jupiter)...Jeudi........Thor's day.....Thursday
Freya...Veneris (Venus)..Vendredi.....Frigg's day....Friday
........Saturni..........Samedi.......Seterne's day..Saturday
Under this system an hour was not uniformly 60 minutes, except at the equinoxes. It was one-
twelfth of the interval between sunrise and sunset, by day; and the reverse, by night. A planet
favorably aspected suggests that action be initiated during that planet's hour; or if unfavorably
aspected, that one should wait for others to act. Wilson goes to some length in expressing
doubt as to the efficacy and logic of this system.
The astonishing thing about this sequence is the placing of the Sun between Venus and Mars,