Uranus: Air and rail transport; labor organizations, strikes and riots; civic organizations;
anarchy, explosions, inventions; the electrical and radio industry.
Neptune: The little people; social movements; socialized medicine and hospitalization;
charities; seditions; socialistic political movements; widespread unrest.
Pluto. Organized labor; chain store syndicates; group activities; mob psychology - whether
the mob be capitalists drunk with power or unemployed crazed by hunger.
Planetary Spirits. In Occultism, the seven highest hierarchies, corresponding to the Christian
archangels, which have passed through states of evolution in past cycles.
Planetary Vegetation and Herbs. According to Alan Leo, herbs are classified according to
planetary influences as follows:
Sun: Almond, angelica, ash tree, bay tree, celandine, centaury, chamomile, corn hornwort,
eyebright, frankincense and other aromatic herbs, heart trefoil, juniper, male peony, poppy,
marigold, mistletoe, olive, pimpernel, rice, rosemary, rue, saffron, St. John's wort, sun dew,
tormentil, turnsole, vine, wiper's bugloss; also bay, citrus, and walnut trees.
Moon: Adder's tongue, cabbage, chickweed, clary, coral-wort, cuckoo flowers, cucumber,
dog-tooth, duck's meat, gourd, hyssop, iris, lettuce, melon, mercury, moonwort, mouse-car,
mushrooms, pearlwort, privet, pumpkin, purslain, rattle grass, rosemary, seaweed, spunk,
turnips, wallflowers, water arrowhead, watercress, water lily, water violet, white lily, white
poppy, white rose, white saxifrage, whitlow grass, wild wallflower, willow, winter green, and
all night blooming plants; also maple, olive, palm, and other trees rich in sap.
Mercury: Azaleas, bitter sweet, calamint, caraway, carrots, cascara, coraline, dill,
elecampane, endive, fennel, hare's foot, hazel, horehound, hound's tongue, lavender, lily of
the valley, liquorice, male fern, mandrake, majoram, mulberry, myrtle, olive spurger parsley,
pellitory, southernwood, star-wort, trefoil, valerian, wild carrots, winter savory; also hazel,
and filbert trees.
Venus: Apples, archangel, artichoke, beans, bearberry, bishop's weed, black alder,