Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

Ascending Node in a Geocentric Figure. The line of advantage runs between the cusps of the
third decanates of the Third and Ninth Houses. A position of the Node East of this line is judged
to be favorable.

Related to it are the Arcs of Increased and Dwarfed Stature. From the middle of the First House,
clockwise to the middle of the Eighth House, is the arc of Increased Stature, with its peak at cusp
of the Twelfth House; and from the middle of the Seventh House, clockwise to the middle of the
Second House, is the Arc of Dwarfed Stature, with its peak at the cusp of the Sixth House. See
Nodes, Moon's.

Affinity. A binding by mutual attraction. The Sun is said to have an affinity with all the planets;
Mars with Venus, in a magnetic or physical sense; Venus with Jupiter, in a philanthropic sense
as one who loves his fellowman; Venus with Mercury, in an artistic sense.

Afflicted: (Afflicted by / in affliction with): Unfavorably aspected. Loosely applied to: (a) any
inharmonious aspect to a planet, or (b) to any aspect, particularly the conjunction, parallel,
square or opposition, to a malefic planet. Also by some authorities applied to a mundane or
zodiacal parallel with, or when, besieged by both Infortunes (q.v.). Some authorities consider
that the sensitive degree on any House cusp can be afflicted, though any such consideration must
be confined to instances where the birth-moment is known to a certainty.

Ages, Astrological. As anciently considered, a period of roughly 2150 years during which the
point of the Spring Equinox recedes through one sign of the Zodiac of Constellations. Since the
constellations have no precise boundaries, the points of beginning and ending are mere

However, it is an absurdity to date the beginning of the precessional cycle, of presumably 25,
years, from the particular time in history when it was decided no longer to treat the Equinox as a
moving point, but instead to freeze it at 0º Aries. It is probably that midway between the
Equinoctial points are the Earth's Nodes, where the plane of its orbit intersects that of the Sun, at
an inclination of approx. 50º; but since the Equinoctial Point is now considered as a fixed point
and the motion takes place only within its frame of reference, it appears that a study of the circle
which the celestial pole describes around the pole of the Ecliptic will be required in order to
determine when it passes an East point, to mark the time of beginning of the first of twelve
astrological ages of 2150 years each, into which the precessional cycle is subdivided. On this
manner of reckoning the Earth might now be in the Capricorn Age, as well as any other. At least
there is no justification for us to consider mankind as now in the Aquarian age, even though a
recent astronomical treatise speaks of the Signs of the Zodiac as 'now precessed some 25º west
of the constellations of the same name'. Historical records show the Equinox as having once
began in Taurus, at which time Taurus was considered to be the first Sign of the Zodiac. See

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