Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

Strictly speaking, the Northern Signs are those in which the Sun has North declination from March 21 to
September 23; the Southern Signs, those in which the Sun has South declination, from September 23 to March

  1. The commanding and obeying appears to apply more properly to Houses than Signs. v. Ptolemaic Astrology.

OBEYING. The Southern Signs. v. Northern.

PERFECT. v. Broken.

POSITIVE :: NEGATIVE, or MASCULINE :: FEMININE. The odd-numbered Fire and Air Signs are
considered to be more fortunate when rising, and are spoken of as the Positive, Masculine, Diurnal or Fortunate
Signs; while the even-numbered Earth and Water Signs are termed the Negative, Feminine, Nocturnal or
Unfortunate Signs. For some untenable reason the ancients deemed the Negative Signs to be unfortunate in the
general tenor of their lives; Capricorn, particularly, possibly due to its Saturn rulership. The extent to which
good aspects from well-placed planets, and the reverse, can overbalance the intrinsic nature of the Sun Sign has
largely thrown these classifications into the discard. Nevertheless it can readily be seen that for objective
results, public acclaim and personal glamor the Fire and Air Signs hold a certain advantage over the more self-
contained and introspective Earth and Water Sign groups. An ancient aphorism held that the first half of each
Positive Sign and the last half of each Negative Sign is dominated by the Sun and thereby has a tendency to
lightness of complection; while the reverse half is dominated by the Moon and tends to the brunette types.

RUMINANT. Those named after animals that chew the cud: Aries, Taurus and Capricorn. Some authorities
advise against the administering of drugs during the Moon's transit through these Signs.

SHORT ASCENSION. v. Ascension.

SOUTHERN. v. Northern.

SPEAKING. v. Voice.

STERILE: v. Barren.


Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces are termed Weak Signs; and Scorpio and Aquarius, said to give strong, athletic
bodies, are termed Strong Signs. One can see why Cancer and Pisces, which compare to the Fourth and
Twelfth Houses, might be reckoned weak and unfortunate, but why Capricorn should be so classed is less
apparent unless because of its rulership by Saturn. These terms are little used by modern authorities. Some
class all of the Fixed or Foundation signs, as Strong Signs, in that they confer strength of character, fixity of
purpose, and general ruggedness of constitution.

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