Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material

(Wang) #1

Literature Cited

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the reaction to fire performance of wood floorings. Trätek
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Additional References
APA. [Current edition]. Fire-rated systems. Tacoma, WA:
APA–The Engineered Wood Association. http://www.apawood.
CWC. 1996. Fire safety design in buildings. Ottawa, ON,
Canada: Canadian Wood Council. http://www.cwc.ca.
ICC. [2006 or current edition]. International building code.
Country Club Hills, IL: International Code Council, Inc.
International wildland-urban interface code
International fire code
International residential code for one- and two-family
International Code Council performance code for
buildings and facilities
NFPA. [Current edition]. Fire protection handbook. Quincy,
MA: National Fire Protection Association. http://www.nfpa.org.

General Technical Report FPL–GTR– 190
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