Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material

(Wang) #1


General Technical Report FPL–GTR– 190

for casing and base, 6‑1
used in piles, 6‑20
Oak, black
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
thermal conductivity, 4‑13t
Oak, bur
strength properties, 5‑6t, 5‑11t
thermal conductivity, 4‑13t
Oak, California black, moisture content,
Oak, cherrybark, strength properties, 5‑5t,
Oak, chestnut, strength properties, 5‑6t,
Oak, laurel, strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
Oak, live, strength properties, 5‑6t, 5‑11t
Oak, northern red
characteristics for painting, 16‑5t
fracture toughness, 5‑28t
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
Oak, overcup
strength properties, 5‑6t, 5‑11t
tensile strength, 5‑26t
toughness values, 5‑2t
Oak, pin
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
tensile strength, 5‑26t
toughness values, 5‑2t
Oak, post, strength properties, 5‑6t, 5‑11t
Oak, red
availability for purchase, 6‑1
characteristics, 2‑8
charring rate data, 18‑14t
connector joint strength, 8‑21t
dimensional change coefficient, 13‑16t
ease of bonding, 10‑t
elastic ratio, 5‑2t
erosion of planed surfaces, 16‑12t
flame spread index, 18‑4t
flammability data, 18‑10t
heat release data, 18‑12fig
locality of growth, 2‑8
mechanical properties, 5‑19t, 5‑23t
nomenclature, 6‑5t
Poisson ratio, 5‑3t
penetration, 15‑16t
shrinkage values, 4‑6t
species, 2‑8
uses, 2‑8
Oak, scarlet
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
toughness values, 5‑2t
Oak, southern red
moisture content, 4‑2t
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑10t
thermal conductivity, 4‑13t
Oak, swamp chestnut, strength properties,
5‑6t, 5‑11t
Oak, swamp white, strength properties,
5‑6t, 5‑11t

Oak, tropical
characteristics, 2‑31
locality of growth, 2‑31
resistance to fungi, 2‑31
specific gravity, 2‑31
uses, 2‑31
Oak, water
moisture content, 4‑2t
strength properties, 5‑5t, 5‑11t
Oak, white
characteristics, 2‑1, 2‑8 to 2‑9
characteristics for painting, 15‑16t
charring rate equation, 18‑13
connector joint strength, 8‑21t
decay resistance, 2‑9, 14‑5t
dimensional change coefficient, 13‑16t
ease of bonding, 10‑t
elastic ratio, 5‑2t
flame spread index, 18‑4t
locality of growth, 2‑8 to 2‑9
nomenclature, 6‑5t
penetration, 15‑16t
Poisson ratio, 5‑3t
shrinkage values, 4‑6t
species, 2‑8 to 2‑9
strength properties, 5‑6t, 5‑11t
uses, 2‑9
Oak, willow, moisture content, 4‑2t
Oak flooring, 6‑6
characteristics, 2‑31 to 2‑32
decay resistance, 14‑5t
dimensional change coefficient, 13‑1t
ease of bonding, 10‑t
locality of growth, 2‑44
machinability, 2‑32
mechanical properties, 5‑19t, 5‑23t
shrinkage values, 4‑8t
uses, 2‑32
Ofram. See Limba
Oilborne preservatives. See preservatives,
Oil‑type preservatives, strength loss, 5‑42
characteristics, 2‑32
decay resistance, 14‑5t
dimensional change coefficient, 13‑1t
ease of bonding, 10‑t
locality of growth, 2‑32
machinability, 2‑32
mechanical properties, 5‑20t, 5‑24t
shrinkage values, 4‑8t
uses, 2‑32
Old house borer, 14‑10
Oligomeric alkylphenol polysulfide
(P;TS), 15‑9
Opaque finishes, 16‑32
characteristics, 2‑32
ease of bonding, 10‑t

locality of growth, 2‑32
machinability, 2‑32
mechanical properties, 5‑20t, 5‑24t
resistance to decay and insects, 2‑32
shrinkage values, 4‑8t
uses, 2‑32
Ordinary construction
code requirements for fire protection,
description, 18‑2
Oriented strandboard
adhesive application or blending, 11‑10
adhesives used, 11‑
certification, 11‑10, 11‑8fig
defined, 11‑
drying process, 11‑8, 11‑10
finishes, suitability and expected service
life, 16‑1t
grade stamps, 11‑8fig
hot pressing, 11‑10
manufacturing process, 11‑8, 11‑10,
1‑10fig 1
mat formation, 11‑10
mechanical properties, 12‑5t
species used, 11‑8
specific gravity, 12‑5t
standards, 11‑3t
stranding process, 11‑8
Oriented strand lumber, 11‑21
Orthotropic nature of wood, 5‑1
decay resistance, 14‑5t
ease of bonding, 10‑t
nomenclature, 6‑5t
Ossol. See Manni
Otie. See Ilomba
Ovangkol (See also Benge)
mechanical properties, 5‑20t, 5‑24t
shrinkage values, 4‑8t
Ovendry weight, specific gravity, 4‑9, 4‑9t
Oxine copper
composition, 15‑1 1
corrosiveness, 15‑1 1
retention levels for various wood
products, 15‑4t, 15‑5t
Southern pine sapwood stakes retention
and life span test results, 15‑t to 15‑8t
toxicity, 15‑11

Pacific yew, nomenclature, 6‑14t
adhesion bandage test, 16‑28
application and maintenance, 16‑19t,
16‑20 to 16‑21
characteristics of wood, 16‑5t
cracking, 16‑26
discussed, 16‑26 to 16‑2
disposal, 16‑36
failure caused by
dimensional changes in wood, 16‑
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