Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material

(Wang) #1

Timmel, T.E. 1986. Compression wood in gymnosperms.
Heidelberg: Springer. 2,150 p.

Wheeler, E.A.; Baas, P. 1998. Wood identification: a review.
IAWA Journal. 19(3): 241–264.

Wiedenhoeft, A.C.; Miller, R.B. 2002. Brief comments on
the nomenclature of softwood axial resin canals and their
associated cells. IAWA Journal. 23(3): 299–303.

Worbes, M. 1995. How to measure growth dynamics in
tropical trees: a review. IAWA Journal. 16(4): 337–351.

Worbes, M. 1999. Annual growth rings, rainfall-dependent
growth and long-term growth patterns of tropical trees in
the Capar Forest Reserve in Venezuela. Journal of Ecology.
87: 391–403.

Zimmermann, M.H. 1983. Xylem structure and the ascent
of sap. New York: Springer-Verlag. 143 p.

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