Consonant changing verbs
An important category of stem irregularities comprises verbs in which a
consonant is inserted or changed at the end of the stem, e.g. pones‘you
put’ but pongo‘I put’, dices‘you say’ but digo‘I say’.
Insertion of g or change to g
In a small but important group of -erand -irverbs a gis inserted between
the stem and the ending in the 1st person singular present indicative and
throughout the present subjunctive. In other words, gis inserted whenever
oor a follow the stem. This type of irregularity is illustrated in Table 10.7.
Other common verbs that follow this pattern include:
salir go out tener have
venir come valer be worth
Decir ‘say’ and hacer ‘do’ have a similar pattern, except that in their case
greplaces another consonant, namely c: digo,dices,(vos)decís, dice,
decimos,decís,dicen (present indicative),diga,digas,diga,digamos,digáis,
digan (present subjunctive).
Caer‘fall’, traer‘bring’ and oir‘hear’ also follow the ponerpattern, but the
aor o in the stem is changed to aior oiwhenever the gis inserted: caigo,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Verb forms
Radical changing verbs
No radical changing verbs in any conjugation show a vowel change
in the 1st or 2nd persons plural of the present indicative.
Stem consonant irregularities
1 When the irregularity affects the 1st person singular of the
present indicative, this also affects the present subjunctive which
is usually based upon it: salg-(from salgo ‘I go out’) becomes
salga, salgasetc.
2 Stem consonantal irregularities never occur in the 1st or 2nd
persons plural of the present indicative.