Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
Orthography changing verbs

Given the general principles of Spanish orthography, a verb’s stem may
require a spelling adjustment depending on the vowel that immediately fol-
lows it, e.g. elige ‘he/she chooses’ but elijo‘I choose’ (jis required before o).
These adjustments are designed to preserve correct pronunciation and so they
do not constitute a genuine irregularity. Nevertheless, a proper understand-
ing of such adjustments is crucial to the correct writing of Spanish. See 1.2.

-ar verbs

In the -ar conjugation, throughout the present subjunctive there are changes
from g > gu, z > c and c > qu, when the following vowel is e. See Table 10.14.

Note: In the verb averiguar‘verify’, the gu is changed to güthroughout the present
subjunctive: averigüe, averigües etc. (compare the present indicative averiguo,

-er and -ir verbs

In the -er and -irconjugations, in the 1st person singular of the present
indicative and throughout the present subjunctive, the changes are gu > g, g
> jand c > z (when the following vowel isa oro). This pattern is illustrated
in Table 10.15.

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indicative and


Table 10.14Spelling changes in certain -arverbs

Llegar‘arrive’ Cazar‘hunt’ Sacar‘take out’

indicative subjunctive indicative subjunctive indicative subjunctive

llego llegue cazo cace saco saque
llegas llegues cazas caces sacas saques
llegás [LA] llegues cazás [LA] caces sacás [LA] saques
llega llegue caza cace saca saque
llegamos lleguemos cazamos cacemos sacamos saquemos
llegáis [SP] lleguéis [SP] cazáis [SP] cacéis [SP] sacáis [SP] saquéis [SP]
llegan lleguen cazan cacen sacan saquen
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