The infinitive as a verbal noun
The Spanish infinitive can assume the role of verbal noun, which in English
is fulfilled by the gerund. In particular, like the English gerund, the Spanish
infinitive can be used with the definite or indefinite article (masculine) or
by a demonstrative or possessive adjective.
It should be noted, however, that this usage is characteristic of literary
Spanish rather than everyday conversation.
Se oye el gemir de muchos heridos.
The groaning of many wounded can be heard.
Oímos un chirriar de ruedas dentro de la máquina.
We heard a screeching of wheels inside the machine.
When used as a noun in this way, the infinitive can be modified by an
Ese continuo pelear no se puede tolerar.
That continuous fighting is intolerable.
el lento descargar de los buques
the slow unloading of the ships
As a result of their frequent use, some infinitives have established themselves
as true masculine nouns with plural forms, e.g. parecer‘opinion’, amanecer
‘daybreak’, atardecer‘dusk’, anochecer‘nightfall’, acontecer‘happening’,
‘sequence of events’, pesar‘sorrow’, ‘grief’, saber‘knowledge’, ser ‘being’,
hablar‘speech’. In a few other cases, the singular and plural forms have
evolved with different meanings:
andarwalk/gait andares travels, adventures
deberduty deberes homework/assignment
decir figure of speech/saying deciressayings/rumours
haber credit haberesassets, income, earnings
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