Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
(l) Porafter verbs of movement states the objective of the action:
Ha ido por pan. He has gone for some bread.
Vinieron por la televisión. They came for the television.
Note: In the Iberian Peninsula ais usually inserted before porin the above usage:
Ha ido a por pan.
(m) Pormultiplies:
Cinco por dos son diez. Five times two is ten.

Uses of para

(a) Paraindicates destination, with reference to a place, to a person as an
intended receiver or beneficiary, or to a function:
Mañana salgo para Guayaquil. Tomorrow I am leaving for
unos libros para ti some books for you
Están estudiando para el They are studying for the
examen. examination.
¿Para qué sirve este What is this instrument for?
(b) Pararefers to a deadline or target in time, corresponding to ‘for’, ‘by’,
Para el domingo estará By Sunday it will be complete.
Tengo una cita para el I have an appointment for
sábado. Saturday.
Aplazó la charla para la He put off the talk until next
semana que viene. week.
(c) Parafollowed by an infinitive expresses purpose, corresponding to
English ‘(in order) to’:
Se necesita mucho dinero You need a lot of money to do it.
para hacerlo.
Lo dijo para impresionar a la He said it in order to impress
gente. people.
un trapo para limpiar cristalesa cloth for cleaning windows
(d) Paraintroduces a comparison of what appear to be inequalities or
disparities, in which one member of the comparison appears to be unex-



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Porand para


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