Spanish: An Essential Grammar

(avery) #1
Hoy es viernes. Today is Friday.
Trabajo de lunes a viernes. I work from Monday to Friday.
The definite article is also used with names of seasons, except when deand
a season combine to form an adjectival phrase. After the preposition enthe
definite article is optional before a season name:

El verano es la mejor Summer is the best time of the
época del año. year.
Ya ponen a la venta ropa They are already selling autumn
de otoño. clothes.
No vamos a la playa en We do not go to the beach in
(el) invierno. winter.

The definite article is usually not used in dating letters:
Domingo, 16 de enero Sunday, 16 January 1943
de 1943

The definite article with parts of the body, clothing and personal

The definite article is used in situations where English would have a posses-
sive adjective. See 5.5.

In place of a noun

The definite article occurs before adjectives, past participles, prepositions
and relative clauses, to refer to a noun understood from the context. It
agrees with the unexpressed noun in number and gender.
The article translates English ‘the one(s)’ or ‘that’, ‘those’:
El rubio me cae mal. I don’t like the blond one.

estos asuntos y los these matters and those
discutidos ayer discussed yesterday
La de tu casa es mejor. The one at your house is better.

Las que se vendían en The ones they were selling in Spain
España eran más sabrosas. were tastier.


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The definite


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