Adverbs not ending in -mente
Adverbs of manner
These include items such as bien‘well’, mal‘badly’, despacio‘slowly’,
deprisa‘quickly’, así‘like this/that’, mejor ‘better’, peor ‘worse’:
No se puede entrar vestida así.
You can’t go in dressed like that.
Mario nada despacio y mal.
Mario swims slowly and badly.
Adverbs of place
These state where. They can be both positionalreferring to a static loca-
tion, and also directionalindicating movement.
Comments on individual adverbs of place:
(a) Aquí‘here’, ahíand allí‘there’. Their relative positions are best under-
stood by relating them to demonstrative pronouns: este aquí‘this one here’,
ese ahí‘that one’ (near the person addressed), and aquel allí‘that one over
there’ (further away from both speaker and addressee).
(b) Acá‘here’ and allá‘there’ are less common in Peninsular usage. They
tend to express a less precise location than aquíand allí, or they indicate
movement afterir ‘to go’ andvenir ‘to come’. However, in many parts of
Latin America, especially southern South America, they have virtually
replaced aquíand allí:
¡Ven acá! Come here!
¡Ponlo en la papelera allá en el rincón!
Put it in the waste-paper basket over there in the corner!
Más allámeans ‘further away’, ‘beyond’:
La casa está un poquito más allá.
The house a little bit further on.
(c) Dentro/Adentro‘inside’ and fuera/afuera‘outside’. The longer forms
are [LA] only, except when used with verbs of motion:
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Adverbs not
ending in
- mente