The Painter in oil

(Wang) #1

But exact also with your values. If your study is not sure of its values, it will weaken the
results you should get from it later. Make your studies in the same light as that which
the picture will represent. You can paint a picture under any light you please if your
studies give you the facts as to light and shade that the truth to nature requires; but
studies made in one light for a picture representing another are useless to that picture.
No good painting was ever made without preliminary studies. When you are to make a
picture, therefore, take plenty of time to prepare yourself with all material in the form of
facts that you may require. Don’t trust to building up a picture from a sketch or two and
your “general knowledge.” That sort of thing is something which a painter of experience
may do after storing his mind for years with all sorts of knowledge; but it will not do for
most people - least of all for a student. And it is a dangerous way for any one to work.
Even the experienced painter is apt to do the worse work for it, and if he does so
constantly, his reputation may suffer for it. Take time to be right.
Don’t be afraid of taking measurements. Every one who did anything worth looking at
took measurements. Leonardo laid down a complete system of proportions. You can’t get
your proportions right without measurements, and if your proportions are not right,
nothing will be right. Use a plumb-line: use it frequently, and measure horizontals and
verticals. If you are in doubt about anything, stop a minute and measure. It takes less
time than correcting.
Whatever you do, get the character first, then the details. Character is not a
conglomeration of details. The detail is the incident of character. See with the vital
things are first, then search farther.
Use your intelligence as well as your eye and hand. Think as you work. Don’t for a
moment let your hand get ahead of your brain. Don’t work absent-mindedly, nor without
purpose. If your mind is tired, if your eye won’t see, stop and rest a while. Tired work
runs your picture down hill.

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