The Painter in oil

(Wang) #1

oil of the last painting is absorbed by what is beneath it, and the dead haze is the result.
You cannot paint on it without in some way bringing it back to its original color. You
cannot varnish it out at this stage, for this will not have a good effect on your picture.
”Oiling Out.” - You can oil it all over, and then rub all the oil off that you can. This
will bring it out. But the oil will tend to darken the picture; too much oil should be
avoided. Turpentine with a little oil in it will bring it out also, but it will not stay out so
long, but perhaps long enough for you to work on it. If you put a little siccative de
Harlem in it, or use any picture vanish thinned with turpentine, it will serve well enough.
There is a retouching varnish, vernis á retoucher, which is made for this purpose, and is
perfectly safe and good.
The picture must be well dried before it is finally varnished.

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