The Painter in oil

(Wang) #1

A Word from the Chairman of the Art Renewal Center

The Painter in Oil has become one of the most sought after books on technique and the
science of painting. Around the western world, as artists desperately try to reconstruct the
knowledge of how to paint great traditional works, this book has been a beacon of light
through the stormy seas of a 20th century art world that dismissed all training,
craftsmanship and human subject matter. A student of William Bouguereau, Daniel
Burleigh Parkhurst was in the unique place at the right time to capture for posterity the
methods of this greatest master of the human form in all of art history. We are very proud
here at the Art Renewal Center to offer this rare treatise free of charge to the world through
the technology of the internet.

  • Fred Ross, Chairman, Art Renewal Center

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