The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Trouble in Paradise 199

sneak by them.^151
They visited the exclusive Hyde Lounge at the Sun-
set Boulevard, famous for being the place where Britney
Spears stepped out of a car without any panties. Elon
and Justine arrived to the club together with their famous
neighbor. They were used to the paparazzi photographers,
but they were also used to being ignored by them. Elon
and Justine were no stars the public wanted to read about
in a gossip magazine. This time, however, because they
arrived to the club together with their famous neighbor,
the photographers ran to their car to take pictures.^156
They were invited to a New Year’s Eve party at the
same house as where Marsellus Wallace lived in the popu-
lar moviePulpFiction. When Marsellus Wallace moved out
after the movie had finished, a lawyer moved in. At law
school, this lawyer skipped the lectures to watch at least
two movies a day. He thought law school is the fallback
position for smart kids who don’t know what to do with
their lives. After school, he made money from the
bubble and could now live in the famous house.^177
Elon and Justine traveled to Richard Branson’s private
island in the Caribbean, the Necker Island, to attend the
marriage of the Google co-founder Larry Page. They used
their private jet, a Dassault Falcon 900, to visit similar
remote locations. “Town car picks us up, drives us to small
private airport, up to private jet, where personal flight
attendant greets us at the door and someone else deals with
the luggage,” Justine said. “All I had to do was request a
glass of champagne, which was then magically deposited

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