The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Trouble in Paradise 202

she said when Elon bought the McLaren F1.^27
Several years later, the relationship began to crumble.
“Elon’s central relationship is with his work. I like to
compare him to the Terminator. He sets his program and
just... will... not... stop,” Justine said.^59 When Elon and
Justine were going somewhere in the evening, they arrived
individually. Elon came nearly always directly from the
office. “He’s not some rich guy sitting by a pool somewhere.
When I go home at eight o’clock at night, his car is still in
the lot,” an employee said.^4
“I came to the United States because this was the
one place where all of this was possible – to make your
fortune, but to also realize dreams,” Elon said. “On the
other hand, you can’t just dream, you have to work hard
at it.”^60 A high intrinsic drive is the factor that made it
possible for Elon to reach the point he has in life. “I can get
really set on something, and then I just keep going in that
direction,” he said. “If other people are putting in 40-hour
workweeks, and you’re putting in 100-hour workweeks,
then, even if you’re doing the same thing, you will achieve
in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.”326,409
His brother agreed. “Elon has the incredible ability and
determination to work and work on an idea until he has
the solution,” Kimbal Musk said. “If he believes it’s possible

  • and he always does when it’s a problem he’s working
    on – there’s no option for turning back with him. When
    99.99 percent of people would have given up, Elon finds
    the solution that amazes everyone around him.”^128
    To be more efficient, Elon performs multiple tasks at

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