The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Trouble in Paradise 204

Elon worked long days. When he came home, he was
tired. Because Elon was tired, small problems became large.
Elon and Justine began arguing about things like whether
Justine read too much, about the house, when the kids
should go to bed, or if Justine’s hair should become more
The first turning point came when Justine was involved
in a car accident while driving her Maserati. “There was a
crunch of metal as her car plowed into mine, and when
we skidded to a halt, my first thought wasn’t, ‘Thank God
nobody’s hurt.’ It was, ‘My husband is going to kill me,’”
Justine said. “And in my mind’s eye, I could suddenly see
myself: a woman who’d gotten very thin, and very blonde,
stumbling out of a very expensive car with the front-left
wheel smashed in.”^182
Everyone around Justine thought she was one of those
wives with a rich husband who never work. They never
asked her “What do you do?” because they assumed she
didn’t do anything.^182 In reality, she worked as an author
and released the bookBlood Angelin 2005. It got mostly
positive reviews on Amazon.
On one occasion, Justine would meet a friend of a
friend at the airport. But they didn’t recognize each other
because both had preconceived conceptions on how a rich
woman should act and look like. “I heard you were ‘the
wife,’ right, and I thought you’d be all la-di-da, loaded
down with jewelry and ordering people around and I
thought you’d be mean,” the friend of a friend told Justine.
“But you came in and you were so down-to-earth and you

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