The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Trouble in Paradise 207

rip off,” one said. “He divorced a spoilt psycho and the kids
are with him more than her,” another one said.138,143Those
who supported Justine were equally mean to Elon. “Several
awful things have been widely reported that are simply
false, but a falsehood uncorrected may as well be truth,”
Elon said.^440
After the divorce settled, Justine got the house, two
million in cash minus the legal fees she was responsible for,
alimony and child support for seventeen years, no stock,
and a Roadster.^134

A short time after the divorce papers were filed, on July
4, Elon traveled to London to give a lecture at the Royal
Aeronautical Society. In the evening, Elon visited the club
Whisky Mist.
Elon sat by himself in a corner of the club when Talulah
Riley felt sorry for him. She began talking to him. Riley
had never before heard of Elon or his companies, so she
didn’t know what to think when Elon talked about his cars
and his rockets as he always does when meeting women.
“Then there he was, smiling this very big smile and talking
about colonizing Mars,” Riley said. “He showed me all these
pictures on his phone. I thought that these were projects
he’d worked on, I didn’t know they were all his own doing.”
She left the club after promising Elon she would meet him
again for dinner.^129
The night turned into morning. Riley told her father
who she had met and he made a Google search for “Elon

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