The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Another Iceberg, Right Ahead 229

if you drive it with full speed on their test track, and it
will do 200 miles if you drive it in a normal way on the
road. Your driving style will affect the range of an electric
car. If you have a cruise control, the vehicle will not go
faster than intended, and it will also avoid the small and
unnecessary accelerations and decelerations that consumes
more energy.^226
Despite the negative review byTop Gear, Elon enjoys
the television show and thinks Clarkson can be very funny.
“Clarkson’s show is more about entertainment than it’s
about truth,” Elon said. “I think most people realize that,
but not everyone.” Clarkson is a man who tends to dislike
electric cars and American cars. Tesla is an American car
company that manufactures electric cars. It’s a recipe for
disaster if you want to get a good review byTop Gear.^418
When you don’t think it can get any worse, it can.
One Tesla employee leaked information to the popular blog
Valleywag. He talked about how the morale had sunk and
how Tesla took deposits from customers when the company
had only $9 million in the bank account. Would these
buyers really get their cars? “As a longtime employee of
Tesla Motors, yesterday was the worst day since I joined
Tesla Motors four years ago,” the leak said. “I cannot consci-
entiously be a bystander anymore and allow my company
to deceive the public and defraud our dear customers. Our
customers and the general public are the reason Tesla is so
loved. The fact that they are being lied to is just wrong.”^430
To find the employee who leaked the information, Elon
hired a team of computer forensics who went through

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