The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Revenge 253

fordable car that Tesla want to build hundreds of thousands
of in a few years. You can no longer buy a Roadster, so Tesla
would also like to manufacture another electric sports car.
“We will do an electric supercar at some point,” Elon said.
“It was going to happen right after the Model X, but it is
more important to the world that we do a more affordable
electric car.”^434
But Tesla is also working with several other projects,
including an innovative electric truck. “I’m really excited
about bringing out a whole series of cars that address a
wide range of consumer interests and needs,” Elon said.
“I do think it will be interesting to do self-driving cars,
perhaps working in conjunction with Google, who’s quite
close to us in Silicon Valley. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are
longtime friends of mine, so it would be great to work with
them, maybe to do self-driving cars.”^193

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