The Engineer

(Grace) #1

A Burning Man 306

“Literally, any day. You’re a hero.”
“How about Christmas Day?” Elon answered.^120
They traveled to a remote village in Haiti far out in
the countryside. With the help of Elon’s private jet, they
brought 450 toys and 35 MacBook Air laptops. At the
Christmas party barbecue, Elon showed the children how
to build and light rockets. “I went to Haiti last Christmas
and visited some pretty dangerous parts,” Elon said. “I got
wasted, too, on some drink they call the Zombie.”^51
After returning from Haiti, Elon met with Dean Ka-
men, who had invented the Segway. Elon tried to convince
him that the best place for Kamen’s next invention, a water
purifier, would be Haiti. “[Elon is] really aware of where
crises are, and he has a logical way he thinks out problems,”
Mooser said. “When he heard about the water purifier, the
first thing he said to Dean was, ‘Put it in Haiti.’“^120
Another result of the trip to Haiti was the documentary
Baseball in the time of Cholera, with Elon as the executive
producer. The story is as follows: “As a Cholera epidemic
rages in Haiti, the United Nations denies it is responsible for
introducing the disease despite glaring evidence suggesting
Nepalese peacekeepers are to blame. Baseball in the Time
of Cholera is the story of a young Haitian boy who plays
in Haiti’s first little league baseball team and the Haitian
lawyer seeking justice against the UN. As the epidemic
spreads, the two stories intersect in the struggle for survival
and justice.”^107
A devastating earthquake with a following tsunami hit
Japan in 2011. After the close call disaster at the Fukushima

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