The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Timeline 345

company. They finished business plan

  • March. Starting a car company is expen-
    sive, so they began to look for outside

  • April. Series A funding where Elon Musk
    was the main investor. Other investors
    included SDL Ventures and Compass Tech-
    nology Partners. JB Straubel joined the
    company as employee number 5

  • May. An early styling study began

  • June. A technology implementation study

  • July. Tesla had 9 employees and moved
    to an office in San Carlos, California.
    They also made a “mule” which is a car
    that doesn’t reproduce but you can see
    if the concept works. To design Mule 1
    they bought an old Lotus Elise

  • October. The 15 employees began to de-
    sign the drive-train component

  • November. They installed the drive-train
    in the Mule 1

  • December. Tesla couldn’t use the same
    design as the Lotus Elise, so they had a
    contest where Barney Hatt made the best


  • January. They made a 1/4 scale model in

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