The Engineer

(Grace) #1

Timeline 351


  • January. Tesla ended production of the
    Roadster to focus on the Model S

  • February. Tesla revealed the Model X - a
    small SUV and says it will go on sale in
    early 2014

  • June. 2000 employees. The Model S was
    officially launched at the Fremont fac-
    tory. Retail deliveries of the Model S
    started in the United States

  • September. Unveiled the Supercharger


1957.Soviet’s Sputnik 1 became the first satel-
lite to go into orbit
1961.The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin be-
came the first man in space
1969.Neil Armstrong became the first person
to walk on the Moon
1981.First flight of the Space Shuttle
2000.First long-duration stay on the Interna-
tional Space Station (ISS)

  • July. Elon came up with the idea to do

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