The Engineer

(Grace) #1

What Do I Do Now? 54

and in US.^94

One year after arriving to Canada, and while working
at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Elon applied to the prestigious
Queen’s University in Kingston.55,61The school was known
for its high academic standard and wealthy students. It
was common to hear comments like, “It took a long time
to learn how to drive because my family was chauffeured
everywhere.” You could also order a latte in the cafe, which
in the 1990s was exotic.
Before Elon applied to the university, he chose between
if he should study at the University of Waterloo or at the
Queen’s University. “It was a close call for me between
the University of Waterloo and Queen’s,” Elon said. “I was
going to do physics and engineering at Waterloo, but then
I visited the campus, but there didn’t seem to be any girls
there. So, I visited Queen’s, and there were girls there. I
didn’t want to spend my undergraduate time with a bunch
of dudes.”^128
Elon began to study business and physics, but he never
attended the classes. The genius boy used his photographic
memory, so he read the textbooks and showed up for the
exams. He thought dating girls was much more interesting
than studying. It was after all the sole reason why he picked
the school.^327
One of the girls he dated was Justine Wilson. One
year younger than Elon, she grew up together with her
sister in the small town Peterborough, Canada. Both her

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