Beginning Pastel

(Antfer) #1
Proof 1

Job:11907 Title: PORT5 - Beginning Pastel 9781633221949 (Walter Foster)
001-128 PORT5.Interior.r4_11907.indd 121 9/12/16 4:12 PM


Also add highlights
to the trees and their
branches, grasses,
bases of trees, and
fence posts using the
sharp edge of a pastel.

Add highlights to
the snow, the hills,
and the field.

Create light
highlights in
the clouds.

Use a charcoal
stick or soft black
pastel pencil
to create thin

Draw the fence posts.

Add highlights
to the snow.

Proof 1

Job:11907 Title: PORT5 - Beginning Pastel 9781633221949 (Walter Foster)
001-128 PORT5.Interior.r4_11907.indd 121 9/12/16 3:54 PM

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