(Darren Dugan) #1
culture and behaviors. In case of culture if the organizational values and norms are
non compatible with that of the individuals and if the individual is unable to adapt
after his/her confrontation with the organizational culture then it cause him/her to
leave or the organization have to terminate his/her services. In case of behaviors
certain management style may cause the individual to leave the organization.

  1. Incompetent Leadership: When the management is unable to motivate the
    employees at work their performance level drops and eventually they are expelled
    from the organization. In another case, if the leadership of the organization is unable
    to align individual and organizational goals then the individual starts viewing that
    their efforts are being wasted. Hence they are unable to relate their benefit to the
    organizational benefits.

  2. Lack of Proper Communication System: Improper communication creates gaps
    among the manager and employees, and the employers and employees. Such gaps
    leads to misunderstanding of the work related goals and hence the employees are
    unable to comprehend the expectations of the organization. Results of such a
    misinterpretation are that they are unable to deliver what is expected of them and
    finally are relieved of their jobs. In another case such communication gaps keeps the
    management unaware of the employees’ issues which may ultimately evolve into a
    bigger problem causing them to leave the organization.

Ocampo in his report on the world public sector discusses that:

Lack of career development opportunities arguably constitutes one of the
primary factors affecting the ability of the public service to retain high-
quality staff. As a result, staff becomes frustrated and the best talent is
inclined to leave for greener pastures in the private or non-governmental
sectors. In such cases, the cost to governments in terms of lost tacit
knowledge and institutional memory can be quite significant, not to
mention the often high cost of replacing staff. (2005, p. 105)
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