(Darren Dugan) #1

Human Resource by Nadler and Nadler says that in the book HRD is described as an
organized learning experience provided by the employer in a specifies time in order to
enhance the performance of the employees and at the same time is utilized in their career

2.10. Sustainability Through HRD........................................

Bontis et al (1999 quoted in Armstrong, 2006:33) established relationship of
sustainability and Human Capital as the Human Factor of an organization which is a
combination of intelligence, skills and expertise that give a distinctive characteristic to an
organization. He further adds that through innovation and creativeness it ensures a long
term survival of the organization. Armstrong (2007) reflects upon this discussion with the
comments as

Human capital represents the human factor in the organization; the
combined intelligence, skills and expertise that gives the organization its
distinctive character. The human elements of the organization are those
that are capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the
creative thrust which if properly motivated can ensure the long-term
survival of the organization. (p. 33)

Monga (2004), in a working paper on ‘Managing Enterprise Productivity and
Competitiveness’ while discussing a framework for effective and sustained productivity
improvement, highlights the role of culture in achieving such sustainability. He
comments that in such cases the culture should be characterized by encouragement of
employees to use creative talent, support and reward for productive performance, as well
as promotion of new knowledge and learning, besides other characteristics. This shows
that the major source of sustainability of a firm is Human Resource.

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