(Darren Dugan) #1

Dr. Sue Faerman (1996) has established that:

Sustainable collective intelligence represents the organization’s ability to
sustain itself as a learning community while simultaneously acting and
making decisions with the group intelligence, surpassing the sum of the IQ
of individual members. (p. 4)

French, Bell jr., and Vohra (2008) while discussing organizational development
comment that overarching goal of this process is to enable the client system to be self
correcting through continuous learning because OD is a continuous learning process. This
means that organizational development is actually attaining improved standards and then
sustaining that improved status. Cook et. Al has established that it is imperative for the
organizations in order to sustain themselves in the competitive environment, they should
possess skills, competence and knowledge so as to deliver first class services and
products. (1998)
A study conducted by Lau and Ngo established that that in the relationship
between OD interventions and organizational outcome, the Human Resource system
interventions and individual/group task interventions had a significant impact on a given
relationship as compared to other interventions (2001).

2.10.1. Factors that ensures Sustainability.............

Sustainability could be evaluated through different factors given as-

  1. Staying Competitive: Quality and productivity; Staying competitive in the
    business ensures the demand of its products or services in there in the market which
    contributes to its sustainability which could be achieved through quality and increased

  2. Continuous capacity development: Adaptability; When an organization is
    able to effectively respond to the change taking place in the environment it could easily

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