decides either to stay or to bring some change in the chosen career line. Any choice of
decision at this stage is based o real time information. As the individual has now entered
the practical work life and could develop a better understanding of a specific profession
and the work environment, therefore, planning of career development strategies begins.
At this stage the more information he/she collects, the more critically he analyzes his
future plan.
As the business environment and market is changing very rapidly these days the
information in the books is bare minimum and could not help in devising a successful
Career Development plan. Now the organization whose senior staff members already
know the market trends and the value of different professional level could become vital
support to the individual’s in Career Development planning at this stage. Stage 3: Early Career: Establishment as a young professional
This is the stage of early adulthood and the individual has the information about the
environment of the work life and has fixed certain career related goals. As he learns
norms, values and expectations of his profession, now he focuses on his skills so as to
recognize himself as a worthwhile professional. Here at this point the struggle of learning
is all on the part of individual, but an organization role to help him in this struggle cannot
be over ruled. As the source of professional Development of the individual is the
organization he/she works with, therefore, if the organization provides him with
maximum opportunities the process of Career Development speeds up manifolds. At this
stage individual is highly motivated and energized and putting him/her through
challenging tasks expands his sphere of experience helping him to visualize a clearer
picture of the direction of Organizational strategy as well as his own Career
Development. Stage 4: The Mid Career
Levinson compared this stage with the needs and characteristics of middle adulthood
(Godshlik et al. 2000). At this stage professional life of individual is also characterized