(Darren Dugan) #1
Although career counseling does existing in organizations, self-assessment
is a more common tool. A trend appears to be the formal incorporation of
career counseling into employee assistance programs, as career issues
become more complex. Career workbooks and similar activities are
currently among the most popular self-assessment tools. (1989)

Viewing career development in its broader spectrum we find that there are many
stakeholders, who one way or the other benefit from individuals’ career development.
These may include the clients of an organization who benefit from the improved services
of the organization that greatly depend upon the development of employees’ skills.
Similarly, the government who receives increased taxes on the raised income at the
employee’s promotion or advancement on their career ladder:

More so, the HR industry, had become more equipped with quality HR
and the employees become more proficient in their skills, and competes
better in the national and international market which had added value to
the services and hence contributes towards the over all GDP of the
country. The organization of work is yet another sector that directly
benefits from the Career Development process in the form of improved
output and of course the individuals themselves (the list is not exhaustive).
This means that the beneficiaries are many then the responsibility should
also be taken up by all these. Cheryl in his paper on career development in
work places has argued that career development is a shared responsibility
as the employers implement career development in the process they
actually have to match the workers and the jobs to make optimal use of the
resource. (Cheryl; 1989)

From the foregoing discussion, we find that there are four main different sectors
that benefit from the process of Career Development, i.e the Government, Public, Private
(the organization) and the Individual himself. Once it is established that benefits are

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