(Darren Dugan) #1
including competency/skills and the career planning of the individuals. In this
case, the development opportunities available to the employees and their
expectation from the organization have been the indicators for the study of the
sub-variables of career development.

  1. Organizational Commitment: It is the commitment of the individuals to stay
    with the organization and is mostly based on affiliation and loyalty towards the
    organization (Luthans, 1989). This kind of commitment is the motivational source
    for the long term association with the organization. Such a long term association
    is required for the smooth continuation of the career development process and
    organizational development process.

  2. Organization’s Commitment: This is the commitment of the organization to the
    development of its employees not only to achieve the required level of output but
    with a focus on creating long term impact on the career of the individuals. It could
    be defined as the commitment from the side of the managers on behalf of the
    organization (Simonsen, 1997). This has been studied through the indicators such
    as organization’s concerns for considering an integrated approach towards the
    strategic development of its human resource and individuals’ career development.

  3. Staff Turnover: It is the intervening factor in the process of implementation of
    organizational development strategies and career development strategies. This is
    because, if the staff does not stay with the organization for a period long enough
    that is required for creating prominent impact on OD and Career development
    processes, it then becomes difficult to study the impact of OD strategies of quality
    introduction through HR and its HRD interventions on the process of Career
    Development. Though the process continues but when and individual changes
    his/her organization the process is interrupted greatly affecting it pace. Under the
    circumstances there is a greater possibility that in addition to decreasing the pace
    of the process of Career Development and Organizational Development, one may
    also deviate from the set targets.

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