(Darren Dugan) #1

3.2.2. Hypotheses:

Change being a constant phenomena, organizations need to understand the trends and
forecast change. Accordingly, they need to constantly upgrade the KSA or ASK- Ability
Skill and Knowledge of their existing employees. The following hypotheses are tested in
this study:

  1. If an organization is focused on improving its output quality, then individual skill
    development becomes its core pursuit

  2. The higher is the dependence on knowledge based strategy in business, the higher
    will be the efforts to promote individual development

  3. Higher the implementation pace of Organizational Development Strategies faster

would be the process of Career Development

3.3. Sampling................................................................

Designing and deciding upon the selection of sample for this study was the most difficult
part of the field work. Initially it was decided that a sample size of six organizations will
be taken. This sample size would include two organizations which would belong to one
of the each three categories. These categories were listed as 1) the conventional
organization, 2) the organizations going through the transitional process to become
learning organizations and 3) the learning organizations.
After adopting pragmatic approach, when this design was evaluated it was found
that the two categories, i.e., that of the learning organizations and the conventional
organizations, could be easily identified with out any ambiguities. But the identification
of the third category encountered certain problems. As organizations belonging to the
second category were the one that were passing through the transitional phase of
becoming learning organizations, so the identification problem was caused by the phase
of transition it was passing through. In such organizations if the transitional process was
in its initial phases, then the organization would reflect majority of the traits of a
conventional organization. In such a case it was seen as a conventional organization
according to the set criteria. On the other hand if the transitional process was in its final

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