Many organizations follow the existing trends of the changing business, i.e.,
outsourcing or joining network of companies, therefore only permanent employees were
considered and those who were governed by the policies of the organizations.
Due to various technical reasons such as requisite educational qualification
required for this study, the support staff of an organization was also excluded because the
study was carried out in Pakistani context where the educational qualification of majority
of the support staff being very low would have added to the complexity of the results
drawn from this study.
3.5. Data Collection Tools.................................................
Keeping in view the complex nature of this study, three different research tools were
employed for primary data collection. These tools are:
- Direct Observation (Participants observation)
- Questionnaire
- Structured Interview
3.5.1. Participants Observation..................................
Direct observation was used to identify the type of the organization so as to place them in
two different categories as identified for this research. Based on the market reputation of
the organization, observation of the internal environment of the organization, observation
of the behavior of the employees and some general interviews with the senior executive,
the type of the organization was analyzed and placed in either of the two categories i.e.,
the Learning Organizations or the Conventional Organization.
In order to cater for the qualitative data observation was used to supplement other
data collection tools. Direct observation was mostly used during the interview with the
senior management. It also helped in collection of some metadata.