(Darren Dugan) #1

3.5.2. Questionnaire...............................................

Questionnaires were used to collect data from senior management and junior and middle
level staff. For this purpose form “A” was used for senior management staff (attached as
Appendix I) and form “B” was used for junior and middle level staff of the organization
(attached as Appendix II).
Structured questions were used mostly of dichotomous and some with multiple
levels i.e., three to five levels. Questionnaire tool was developed keeping in view the
study questions and the hypotheses of this study. Two to three questions have been
included on each study question and hypothesis in addition to some supplementary
questions. At certain places some questions for cross checking has also been included in
the questionnaire. Pre-testing of the questionnaire was carried out before starting the data
collection process.

3.5.3. Structured Interview.......................................

As this study is primarily a qualitative study, therefore, with the purpose to analyze the
qualitative aspect of the study some free comments on the subject were also considered.
In this respect some interview questions were used to collect other detailed information to
carry out comprehensive analysis. Given the enormity of the issue, the interview
questions were deliberately kept very few so as to avoid deviation from the core issue. In
this case all those respondents were either face to face interviewed or through telephonic
The type of tool used in this connection was structured interview with some basic
data on the respondents. Based on the scope of the study two different sets of interview
list were used for this purpose. Such interview questions were again used for both type of
the staff i.e- senior management of the organization and junior and middle level staff of
the organization. The interview questions list is attached at appendix III.

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