progressive performance further authenticate the fact that the purpose of training in such
organizations is to enhance employee performance.
Again the suggestion from the line managers could be explained that as the line
manager would be directly responsible for the work of the subordinate employee so he
would positively want quality in his task. This is also because the quality of task of the
subordinate directly affects the work of the line manager. This means these organizations
are focused on bringing in quality in their output. Hence it is proved that if the
organization wants to see quality in performance and out put of the individual or the
organization as a whole then their efforts are focused on the development of the staff
capacity. Irrespective of the fact that it is at individual level or at organizational level, in
both the cases quality in performance could only be achieved through HRD.
Table # 2-A
Comparison of Contribution of Staff Development towards Organizational
Development Process
(Org. B)
(Org. A) (Org. B) (Org. A)
respondents= 36
= 11 % %
Innovation 5 4 36.36364 13.888
Improved Productivity 15 7 63.63636 41.666
Improved Capacity 19 11 100 52.777
Positive Behavioral
Change 22 4 36.36364 61.111
Participatory approach
in work 3 0 0 8.3333
negative attitude
towards co-workers 2 2 18.18182 5.5555
Sharing knowledge 6 3 27.27273 16.666
Quality in work 3 2 18.18182 8.3333
Motivation 1 2 18.18182 2.7777
Team work 3 0 0 8.3333
Capacity development
for future 0 3 27.27273 0
improved vision 0 3 27.27273 0
Career growth 0 2 18.18182 0