(Darren Dugan) #1

Study Q:2: How does Organizational Development strategies contributes towards
Career Development and vice versa?
H:1: If the organization's focus is continuous quality improvement, then the
individual skill development becomes its core pursuit

Interpretation and Analysis

This table shows the comparison between the responses received from category ‘A’
organizations and category ‘B’ organization for how the individual learning contributes
to the organizational development. The data shows that in the category B organizations,
the highest frequency is that of positive behavioral change. According to a principal of
one such organization the impact of a training is seen as the employee becoming “more
responsible and efficient, and it changes their attitude, making them more
accommodative and positive”.
The information of the interview reflected that as a whole the behavior of the
employees in such organization is not supportive towards creating work-conducive
environment, whereas, under the circumstances, it is a prerequisite of initiating processes
of organizational development. A Deputy Conservator comments that the impact could be
seen as “change in personality, behavior and somewhat increase in knowledge”. Further
adding, it is also stated that where positive behavior is a prerequisite for brining in even a
small change, there these organizations are lacking that pattern of behavior in general. It
is because of this that the change in behaviors of these employees is clearly defined as a
positive change.
Another high frequency factor identified by category B is improved capacity of
the individuals. A professor in this category says “there is marked improvement in
professional competency and their behavior becomes positive”. If such improvement in
capacity is not planned for in terms of its utilization, then it is more likely that such
employees may leave the organization in search of a job where he could make use of that
enhanced capacity and in turn be rewarded more for it. According to a project director
working with such organization says that “the trained staff particularly the officer cadre
becomes more methodical and organized”.
The third high frequency factor is improvement in productivity in category B.
This shows the organizational concern for efficient out put but does not necessarily mean

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