According to a Manager belong to an organization of this category “By training the staff
becomes able to overcome critical situation and normal routine dealing improves, they
become more polished and their professional knowledge improves”.
The highest frequency response is this category is that of improvement in
capacity. A Branch Manger belonging to category “A” says that “after the training the
staff becomes more tactful in dealing with the clients and handling different situation.” A
VGM of such another company highlights this as “technically the employees become
more sound”. This reflects upon the fact that enhancing capacity is also one of the
strategies of these organizations for achieving the capability of continuous adaptation to
the ever changing environment. According to another executive of this category the
impact is seen as “improvement in vision regarding their work, increases confidence and
effectively establish more contacts but sometimes also face discouragement”.
Discouragement was explained as the dissatisfaction from the existing organizational
frame works.
Improvement in productivity is a response which is the target of the short-term
strategy of an organization and is required as quick fix to certain issues which may not be
avoidable at times. A Branch Operational Manager says “we feel they have gained a lot
from the trainings and most of the weak areas have improved”. But the table shows that
compared to conventional organizations’ category, the learning organizations’ category
give little weightage to achieving such an impact of the training.
Behavioral change listed by this category included improvement in confidence
and more tactfulness of the employee which in contrast to conventional organization
identified it as more socializing behavior. This means that in the learning organization
interaction with each other is viewed as an imperative organizational behavior and the
focus is upon effectively carrying out of interaction with others. And therefore, to further
enhance the interaction level the confidence of the employee and tactfulness is what is
considered as a desirable impact of the training. As a Relationship Manager says “they
become more persuasive in approaching new customer and give more positive results. In
addition to this their knowledge also increases”.
Innovation as an impact of training has far more weightage in the category ‘A’
organization as compared to category ‘B’ which is required to gain competitive edge in
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)