(Darren Dugan) #1

Interpretation and analysis

In our previous argument through out the literature review we have established the fact
that the strategies of learning organizations are mostly dependent upon enhancing their
knowledge base. This is for the purpose of attaining the capability of responding
effectively to the frequently changing environment. The frequency listed in the above
table will help us analyze that if the organization is making frequent use of knowledge or
encourages knowledge sharing then the environment that exist is enabling environment.
In table # 1-B the information collected from the employees of the two different
categories i.e., Organization A and Organization B, the frequency of getting feedback
shows their quest for gaining information through feedback process which ultimately
helps them improve their performance. The responses will also help confirm the
existence of learning org. characteristic of knowledge bases operating systems where two
way feedback is one of the major sources of gaining such knowledge.
In case of the organization ‘A’ category we find the most of the responses cluster
around the biannually, quarterly and monthly periodicity of getting feedback about their
work. A few of the responses have been received against yearly period, which in most of
the cases refer to feedback from annual performance appraisal. Only two responses were
for occasional feedback and this was where the respondents have been getting informal
feedback. For weekly and twice a week there was only one response for each. This shows
the pattern of working with information received through feedback in a learning

The pattern we see here is that majority of the performances are being guided
through feedback information frequently received through a formal system of feedback,
hence enabling the individual to respond effectively to the changes occurring in the
environment. This pattern of work develops the capacity of the individuals of being
flexible by continuously identifying the weak areas of performance encouraging them to
persistently work on improving those weak areas.
In contrast to this the responses received from category ‘B’ organization show
that the major cluster is at yearly feed back period which in most of the cases again refers

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