(Darren Dugan) #1

to annual appraisal of the employees. This means that any change required during that
period will go unnoticed, and therefore, would remain unattended.
The next higher cluster is at quarterly feedback period which in this case was
identified as meeting with colleagues. Some of the responses were received for
occasional and biannual period in the form of informal feedback and staff meetings.
Looking at the data we find the pattern of a feedback information system for a
conventional organization, which is mostly based upon annual appraisal and quarterly

H:2: The higher is the dependence on knowledge based strategy in business, the higher
are the efforts to promote individual development

Comparing the information for the two categories, we find that reliance on feedback
information is little in a conventional organization as compared to learning organization.
And hence, the opportunity to improving performance is lesser in conventional
organization context as compared to learning organization context.
If the organization has title room for accommodating new and updated
information and responding to the changes in the environment, with a strict adherence to
its previous strategy, then only recorded program activities while monitoring and the
annual feedback in the form of appraisal is used for taking major decisions about HR.
When the organizational strategies are guided by the information about the changes
required from time to time then they monitor their programs not just through recording of
activities but also through continuous regular formal and informal feedback. According to
the hypothesis H:2: The higher is the dependence on knowledge based strategy in
business, the higher are the efforts to promote individual development, the feed back
which adds to their knowledge base, guides them about acquiring certain HR capabilities
to help them effectively respond to the changes for which they have equip the staff.

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