(Darren Dugan) #1

Table # 2-B
The Use of Information Received from Feedback

Use of feedback Info.



Org. A

Org. B

better focus of the work 1 1 1.694 1.587
Resolve issues 3 1 5.084 1.587
motivates to improve as
expected 4 0 6.779 0
rectification of mistakes 2 3 3.389 4.761
improve performance 9 18 15.254 28.573
help in devising strategy 3 2 5.084 3.174

Q: 1: What is the linkage between a learning organization and individuals’ career
H:2: The higher is the dependence on knowledge based strategy in business, the
higher are the efforts to promote individual development

Interpretation and analysis

Table# 2-B shows the comparison of responses received for the use of information gained
from feedback, in a learning organization context and a conventional organization
context. In the context of learning organization we find that the responses are distributed
highlighting the variety in use of information. As an M&E Coordinator of a learning
organization says “the information from feedback is used for improving efficiency and
quality of work”. The table reflects that the use of feedback for resolving issues,
planning strategies and improving motivation has received the next higher frequency to
improvement in performance in category A. this means the most of the times feedback is
used for the purpose of creating a better work environment in such organizations.
Furthermore, it also shows that there is a two way feedback process in practice in the
learning organizations.
In case of category B the highest frequency shows that most of the times is only
for the purpose of improvement of performance. This shows that the focus of category B
organizations is mostly on procedural improvement. A lecturer in this category comments
about the use of feedback information as “to know how to improve myself further”.
Again an in-charge nurse in this category says “to improve my work”. This if seen in the
light of table 4.3 we will find that it is because such a feedback comes only from the

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