The above analysis shows that as the feedback process is not that formal and frequent in
conventional organizations so their capacity development is not taken up as a planned,
regular and formal process. It also highlights the fact that the employees understanding of
the diverse use of information and its significance for the Organizational Development
process is much clearer in the learning organization. According to an Assistant to GM
belonging to category A the purpose for which the feedback information is attained is “to
plan utilization of resources, bring slight procedural changes and adaptation of new
methods and policies”. A MIS engineer of category A responds to the use of feedback as
“I use it to improve my work and overcome the short comings”. Another MIS engineer of
category A says that “I use it to improve my work quality”. But it dependents on the
organization to create a system to make a planned use of the information gained by the
individuals through capacity building activities. Again it is important to note that
colleagues can give feedback when they have the understanding of each other work. A
colleague is able to give feedback when he/she is equipped with the skills and knowledge
to properly evaluate the job of other colleagues.
In many cases feedback from colleagues is mostly on behavioral aspect which is
normally understood in generalized ways, but such a behavioral aspect is closely
connected to the job related performance of the individuals. Therefore, in any case
understanding of their colleagues work is important for giving feedback. Interventions
like job rotations and joint trainings helps establish such an understanding of each other
work and enables them to evaluate their colleagues’ tasks and give proper feedback.
As established in the literature review, in a learning organization use of
knowledge base for business strategy is one of its main characteristics; therefore, their
main focus is to develop its individual’s knowledge, eventually contributing towards their
career development. A Programme Officer in the category “A” comments about the use
of feedback information as “It is used for prioritizing the issues both internal and
external”. Another Programme Officer of the category A says “I use it in planning my
work plan”
darren dugan
(Darren Dugan)