Table # 3-B
Individual Expectations of Support for Their Career Development
Org. (B) Org. A Org. B
=63 % %
Arrange trainings/
workshops 34 27 57.6271 42.8571
support in achievement of
career goals 4 1 6.7796 1.5873
career planning 2 0 3.17460
career counseling 3 5.08474 0
capacity building through job
enrichment 4 1 6.7796 1.5873
through providing
constructive feedback 1 1.6949 0
providing guidance/
coaching 2 5 3.3898 7.9365
sharing updated information 3 5.08474 0
support in advance studies 1 7 1.69491 11.1111
creating promotion
opportunities 3 8 5.08474 12.6984
providing career path 2 7 3.38983 11.1111
providing enabling
environment 2 7 3.38983 11.1111
self assessment 1 1.69491 0
motivating through
appreciation of work 2 2 3.38983 3.17460
Job security 4 0 6.3492
Promotions based on merit 1 0 1.5873
our participation in decision
making 1 0 1.5873
give me more control of my
work- work autonomy 3 5.08474 0
clarity of vision 1 1.69491 0
proper policies 1 1 1.69491 1.5873
Study Q:4. What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards their career development process?
H: 3. Higher the commitment of the organization to the individual career development,
faster will be the process of organizational development