(Darren Dugan) #1

opportunities for me to work independently”. This means that the employees of this
category see training as a source of skill enhancement which will eventually lead to their
empowerment at work.
In addition to the above, support in the achievement of career goals and
capacity development through job enrichment are other kinds of support listed by the
employees among their expectation from the organization in order to further their careers.
Career counseling, sharing information, promotion opportunities and work
autonomy are other areas identified by the category A respondents. As a project
Coordinator of this category comments “we need proper counseling to identify our
weakness and strengths so that our skills might be polished in a proper way”. For other
kinds of responses the frequency is quite low which could be interpreted as different HR
activities are already going on in the organization so these may available to the staff in
one form or another through those HR activities. A credit officer in category A comments
that we need support “through career counseling, assigning more responsibilities and
through continuous feedback on our performance”.
Another noticeable trend received from the table was that no response was
received for job security, merit based promotions and participatory decision making. This
explains the secure work environment of the learning organizations where individuals do
not have to waste their energies through worries for insecure future. This means an
enabling environment is already available to them helping them to promote their careers.
A Credit Officer in this category says “we need support through trainings, career
development initiatives and in career goal achievement”.
Looking at the table we find the pattern of responses for the learning organization
that could be seen scattered also pointing towards the fact that a single general strategy
would not be acceptable to all the employees. This means that staff working in different
capacity would require a different kind of career planning which will require integration
into the organizational HR strategy. A Finance officer working with category A
organization comments that “I would be able to move on my career ladder with
accelerated pace, if I am provided training and experience sharing opportunities with
other countries staff”. This means that while they share experience with the staff of the

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