(Darren Dugan) #1

Table# 3

Capacity Development Through Mentoring and Coaching

If Yes, then Please mention How?

y Percent
Valid 39 95.1
b 2 4.9
Total 41 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

Table # 3 reflects the analysis of the option “b” in the same question for how the
organization supports the staff capacity development carrying 95.1% of validity. Option
“b” represents the intervention of providing staff with coaching and mentoring and has
received 4.9% of the total responses. This means that coaching and mentoring is
supported by the organizations of this category but it is not commonly practiced. As
coaching and mentoring is a time consuming practice so cannot be carried out regularly
for different individual simultaneously.

Table# 4

Any Other Type Support for Capacity Development

If Yes, then Please mention How?

y Percent
Valid 40 97.6
c 1 2.4
Total 41 100.0

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